The Party of Lincoln

Today would be Abraham Lincoln’s 215th birthday.

I have stated that the Republican Party should be restored to the Party of Lincoln.  Someone once asked me what does it mean to be the Party of Lincoln.  Given that we have an important presidential election this year, and given the turmoil in the nation’s capital, across the country, and around the world, now is as good a time as any to provide an answer.

The Individual

We believe:

  • In the dignity of the individual.
  • That the individual can pursue happiness, while respecting others in their pursuit.
  • That the individual is unique and is not a faceless member of an identity group.

The Constitution

We believe:

  • That the Constitution of the United States is a legal document and the supreme law of the land.
  • That the Constitution is a contract between the government and the people.
  • That the role of government is to secure individual liberty.

The Declaration

We believe:

  • That the Declaration of Independence is our nation’s founding document.
  • That America is a sovereign country, and that Americans are a distinct people.
  • That the Declaration should serve as a reminder of the enduring threat of tyranny.

In summary, the Party should prioritize what is in the best interest of American citizens and must place the government back on the side of the people.  The Party should support and defend the U.S. Constitution and reject any public policy that is at odds with the document.  The Party should promote the principles underlying the Declaration of Independence and fight against those forces that actively undermine those principles.  These tenets are ones embodied in the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

I believe that if Republicans can remain true to these beliefs, we can make the Republican Party great again.